The official language thread

Adam Levine of Maroon 5 was on a german TV show once and the host said to him he understood that every german sounds to non german speakers like:


Me and some of my friends have been saying that ever since. :joy:


I tried this tool with the following paragraph:

Have you wondered if a particular person likes pie? Well, now you can find out, with my state-of-the-art Pie Like-or-Not Detector. Simply present the question to your chosen individual, “do you like pie?” And their reaction shall be decoded by the machine and presented in very simple terms: “of course I like pie, because everyone does”.

My favourite result was with Gibberish Level 4:

Have yourse I like-or-Not Detector. Simple terms: “of cour chosen individual, “do you like pie?” And out, with my simply present the question to you wondered in veryone and out, with my state-of-the question shall be does”. Have you wondered if a part Pie Likes pie?" And their reaction shall be decoded ind out, with my state-of-the machine and out, with my state-or-Not Detector. Simply presen individual, "do you wondered if a particular person shall because I like pie? Well, "do you likes pie, beca

And here’s a small segment of what was made from Level 3 :sweat_smile:

Well becto you withe derms: “of chin their reactor-Not Pie?” Andery simply simple my simple do yon like-of a pres par cause a partiondividual, bector-Not Pie?


More often than I am able to make any sense out of it I find myself saying “Shizzle ma dizzle!” instead of “Shit!” I have no idea why that is. It´s not like am listening to much Snoop Dog at all!

Well, I guess we can all agree that proper use of ones language is a thing none of us should take for granite.

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Haha :smile: I was thinking that episode was a bit weak, but that bit made me laugh.

I knew it would. :grin:

But didn´t the mindblowers kinda remind you of trontubes,though?

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Holy crap, yes!

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Does it annoy anyone else that works of art are not released anymore, they are “dropped”?

Like “Ghost dropped their new album Prequelle on June 1st!” or “the new trailer for the Venom movie just dropped!” etc etc.

It just sounds so clumsy. You release doves and they fly into the sky, you drop a vase and broken pieces lie on the ground.

Release and album, release a trailer for a movie. But don´t drop them!

I guess this qualifies as a :door: at the same time.


I’ve got used to hearing “dropped” being used like in the first example. It doesn’t sound strange to me - maybe because in a song, the beat can drop.

But in the second sense, it sounds really weird. More like it’s been cancelled, rather than released.

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@tasse-tee, @PiecesOfKate
Is that correct English? Or should I have said few. I’m not in lilliput land or surrounded by dwarves here.


Few (or fewer) sounds better to me.


So little could be a few people too? Isn’t little used in the sense of “small”?

Ok, I fixed my Franglais “peu de touristes” there! :blush:


Hmm… :thinking:
Sushi’s post didn’t stand out as being that strange to me, but I also can’t confirm if little can really be used in that way. I can’t think of any other examples right now, but it still doesn’t look that strange to me. Maybe @PiecesOfKate can help?

Although… that should be petits tourists… or petit peu de tourists to explain my error.

I blame the heat! (At least I spelled that one correctly for once - no H right?)

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“I have little experience.”?

Do perhaps little is used for uncountable things.


I think technically it should be few/fewer. I guess you could say ‘little number of tourists’ or (perhaps better) ‘small number of tourists’.

When I first read the quote without knowing the context I took it as literally talking about small tourists.


I first thought @Sushi meant children. (Maybe because there is a movie called “Little Children”.)

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Yeah, I’ve probably seen that example somewhere.


Or a little more wiiine!