Have you wondered if a particular person likes pie? Well, now you can find out, with my state-of-the-art Pie Like-or-Not Detector. Simply present the question to your chosen individual, “do you like pie?” And their reaction shall be decoded by the machine and presented in very simple terms: “of course I like pie, because everyone does”.
My favourite result was with Gibberish Level 4:
Have yourse I like-or-Not Detector. Simple terms: “of cour chosen individual, “do you like pie?” And out, with my simply present the question to you wondered in veryone and out, with my state-of-the question shall be does”. Have you wondered if a part Pie Likes pie?" And their reaction shall be decoded ind out, with my state-of-the machine and out, with my state-or-Not Detector. Simply presen individual, "do you wondered if a particular person shall because I like pie? Well, "do you likes pie, beca
And here’s a small segment of what was made from Level 3
Well becto you withe derms: “of chin their reactor-Not Pie?” Andery simply simple my simple do yon like-of a pres par cause a partiondividual, bector-Not Pie?
More often than I am able to make any sense out of it I find myself saying “Shizzle ma dizzle!” instead of “Shit!” I have no idea why that is. It´s not like am listening to much Snoop Dog at all!
Sushi’s post didn’t stand out as being that strange to me, but I also can’t confirm if little can really be used in that way. I can’t think of any other examples right now, but it still doesn’t look that strange to me. Maybe @PiecesOfKate can help?