Here is another quote (I assume they don’t need to be in-game):
Ron Gilbert @PAXWest2016:
Interviewer: Cost [of digital download of TWP]? Ron: Uh I don’t know that yet. Interviewer: Don’t know yet? Ron: Less than a million dollars. Ron: You can quote me on that.
Has this part been localized anywhere else? In the german version this has been switched for a reference to the murder of a famous german politician that remains unsolved to this day and took place in 1987 (making this even more “too soon”).
Agent Reyes: “What did you see?” ( After giving Madame Morena the trippy mushroom… )
Madame Morena: “Unless the killer was a rainbow dragon powered by starshine I can´t help you”
French and Russian are actually the only 1:1 translations according to Google Translate.
Spanish and Italian add more context by talking about “Challenger O-rings”.
Here is the Russian version: Willie: Я разработал уплотнительное кольцо. Reyes: Слишком рано. Ray: Ага, слишком рано, прояви уважение.