What would you put in Room 101?

You´re bonkers…I like that. :slight_smile:


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I´m still not sure whether the new crazy face might not be a tad bit toooo crazy.

I thought that after I posted it. I mean I’m not foaming-at-the-mouth-here’s-Johnny crazy.

Yeah, I remember when I hypnotised you with the Twilight Zone opening spiral and the old one was perfect for that. I mean It was hypnosis and not lobotomy!

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:door: people who suddenly stop on stairs

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and :door: people walking right in front of you who suddenly stop

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Soooo many tourists in London do that.

Ahem…did you fall over a 12 year old in 1998? :smirk:

Yes! I remember it like it was yesterday.

Couldn´t have been me then, I only had the nicest encounters.

Which was kind of remarkable actually, all the girls smiled at me!
This has never happened to me in germany! :open_mouth:


:door: people who suddenly stop walking right after they left an escalator.


Yes! That’s bloody annoying too. Or people who stop after going through train barriers.

File > Open > Pandora’s box


Maybe we could make a law that forbids stopping at all? :thinking:


What a :de: way of thinking!


Nah, obviously that is the :belgium: way. :grin:


You’d think we wouldn’t need it. It really hurts when someone scrapes on the back of one’s foot!

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i wonder what else I can pin on born & bred Belgians. ^_^

Waffles should pin well.

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