Why are you online on a Saturday night?

Hm… really? I wouldn’t think so, but I’m not an expert.

Oh, it doesn’t mind.
I don’t have kids too, but I am good with them. It’s a matter of personality I suppose.

I don’t know the laws where you live, but here to adopt a child:

  • if you are in a couple, both must be under 40
  • if you are alone, you can give “limited support”, that is you can help children, give them food, a place to sleep, taking care of them, but they are not your legal sons.
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In the US it’s very difficult with all the regulations for adoption.

This is why I hardly ever see people anymore. My wife and I were the first of our friends to have kids. Before that we used to meet people at bars or rock shows, and that’s not something you can do with kids. Also, like you said, I’m so exhausted from running around with them all day that I just don’t have the energy to go out after their bedtime.

But that’s why this forum has been so nice… it’s a chance to be social with some very smart and interesting people. :grinning:


Says who? I took my kids to see AC/DC and stuff. It’s called education.

That is true. So instead I just spend a few hours on the forum. :slight_smile:

Yeah! That’s what I’m saying: It can’t be early enough to teach kids the physical differences between AC and DC!


That’s why my nine year old is playing TWP right now…


Because you don’t want him/her to be a gamer? Your kid will dismiss any other game after that one because most of them will suck in comparison. :slight_smile:

AC/DC is a good place to start and ease them in. You don´t start with high brow stuff like Iron Maiden or Rush.

Nah, don’t worry, he still plays plenty of other garbage.