Wow! Have you made that photo?
No. Found on the net months ago.
What about yours?
Still the standard one that my smartphone had after the first start. It’s only a blue-green-colour swamp. I like it because I can see all my apps and the time at a glance.
JOh, got it. But thats my locked phone wallpaper. The wallpaper I have with unlocked
Phone is this:
Which is actually a photo by me. Florence, 2004.
Erm…you got three missed calls there, man.
I changed my phone a week ago, so I still have the usual backgroud.
Before, I had pictures of my daughters
This is my “puzzle - adventure games” page.
I love the sea, I usually keep a picture of the last holiday I did.
What’s that face-with-shouting-mouth icon, in the bottom-right corner? (Maybe a dumb question, but I don’t have an IPhone and I’ve never seen it)
I feel that a new thread is incoming: “guess who called Ron three times with no answer”…
What a casual way to announce that
I was wondering that too.
I’m also wondering, @ZakPhoenixMcKracken, about that game to the left of Thimbleweed Park on your phone screen…
Anyway here’s my phone wallpaper, starring Parappa. I haven’t changed it for a few years.
Wasn’t it you??

What’s that face-with-shouting-mouth icon, in the bottom-right corner? (Maybe a dumb question, but I don’t have an IPhone and I’ve never seen it)
I was about to ask, too.

I’m also wondering, @ZakPhoenixMcKracken, about that game to the left of Thimbleweed Park on your phone screen…
Ask @Guga
@Guga… what have you done