Your current beeping phone wallpaper

Then I’m still hip with the cool kids wearing blue jeans. Oh great. Another earworm in 3,2,1…

You know what I hate? Crazy Town. That song Butterfly. I fucking hate that song and I wanna punch people who tortured me with this crap in the early naughts.


What the… how is this supposed to be a fairly recent Internet phenomenon? Shirts like this could be found every year at the city fair in Cagliari sold by a guy who kinda looked like a native American but I’m not sure he was, since 1990 at least.


Yes telegram. Whatsapp was bought by facebook a while ago, if you don’t trust FB you shouldn’t trust Whatsapp either.


You have a cat??
More pics please. Now. :cat:

1 Like

Two cats! Bro and sis


Awwwww! The first one has such a cute face :kissing_heart:


Yeah we had a store that mainly was selling cowboy boots, but stuff like this too. And that was the 90s also. I don´t know who invented this style but there is lots of things like that and has been for years. Steve Morse has been wearing such shirts since forever. They probably make him good at playing the guitar.