Your song-of-the-day, based on your current mood

Lyrics untranslated…
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cuz sometimes this is all I wanna do

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Anyone else think of Bruce Willis running Ving Rhames over on the street while listening to this song?

Being on the phone with tech support for an hour and a half makes me want to screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…



I thought this was gonna be Rape Me…(because of the screams at the end)

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That’s basically what the cable company is doing… But Milk It is just more unhinged, like he’s finally lost it.

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Yeah it is a bit like the marching band in Floyd´s Jugband Blues in that way.

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But unlike Freddie Mercury who’s just going very slightly mad. :crazy_face:

Oh yes…

and the band agrees…


Because of vegemite …


Because of Men at Work…

That scene kinda ruined that song for me…in a good way. Same goes for Axel F by the way…

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And another he-he-he-he-he-he!

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Or more plastic:


Eheh, I remember well Axel F. on C64, it was a hit!
My favourite version is on the Amiga, using ProTracker.


Which is close to the original (because of the sampling possibilities of the Amiga). :slight_smile: The fascinating thing about the C64 and especially the “plasic music” is, how the musicians created amazing sounds with limited capabilities. For example the “drums” you hear in the C64 version are just perfectly timed noises.

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Yeah, Rob Hubbard and David Whittaker are my favourite C64 artists.

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Time for some relaxing music while programming.
This is the OST for Ace Attorney, played by a real orchestra.


But isn´t that the very defintion of drumming in general. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ahh, this is really nice! :relaxed: :notes:
And the pinned comment at the top has timestamps for songs from the different games!