Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders playthrough and hints

The two girls are searching for a good boy.
Guess who they will meet, sooner or later?

Will Smith and his nice clean rap

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I’m a bit sad it overtook my SQ one, but I’m not complaining!

Yeah, sigh. It’s annoying because I did a lot of stuff after that, and then recently I thought, oh, maybe that thing is related to those things on Mars, then when I went back realised I’d launched the ship and couldn’t get back.

Oh well, thanks for warning me, and at least I have my save games to remember what I need to do afterwards.

This is why I don’t like dead ends!

That one is still funny, though!

Just curious what your though process behind doing that was, besides “I wonder what that button does?” ?

Don’t laugh. To pick up the other character(s) and bring them to Mars, so they can help push those other buttons (where there are three of them).

Eh… good idea, unfortunately, you don’t have much time. You’ll discover something important later…

That´s actually a nice idea. But it is the other way around. :slight_smile:

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It’s actually one of the first things I tried too, although of course behind the cover of a save game.

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:speech_balloon: #4: “The 60-cycle hum seems to come from every telephone line on the planet.”
Which line comes next, and who says it?

@Sushi @ZakPhoenixMcKracken

@ZakPhoenixMcKracken, what is your shortest playthrough of the game? I mean, how long it takes to complete it for you if you want to go straight to the end?

And for the other forumers?

Did you miss the part where he said he hasn´t played the game in 15 (!) years? He certainly didn´t think about stuff like keeping track of time back then.

Really? I can’t believe that. We talked about it in the chat one year ago (while I was playing it for the first time) and he remembered everything…

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Knowing exactly which location to visit first to optimize time and money, skipping the dialogs, I remember I had finished it in less than 2 hours.

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Yes I remember Zak McKracken very well, because those are stored in my memory when I was a teen, they are unerasable! It’s unbelievable

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  1. Send Annie ONLY to London and from there to Cairo. If you do everything right, you don´t even need her in Katmandu.

  2. That way you neither have to sell the bent butter knife nor play Lotto.

  3. Let yourself get caught by the caponian everytime you used the blue crystal. That way you save flight costs.

  4. Don´t leave the Gurus Ashram when your Karma isn´t clean, just stay right there. It takes about a minute after he sniffed you and he´ll say it´s fine now.

  5. Go fast through the jungles by always taking the next new entrance you see.

these sentences are taken from Zak-site by chance?

Ok, another challenge to @ZakPhoenixMcKracken, @tasse-tee, @Frenzie, @PiecesOfKate and anyone else who want to take a guess (via PM)

  1. What is the brand of the bottle of whiskey?
  2. What is the brand of the kazoo?

1 point for original answers. 2 points for fully correct answers.

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They are given? Really?

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yes. And they’re funny too!

I don’t know. I don’t remember that doing “read kazoo” worked.