They explain it this way: They don’t do realistic current-day weapons and military stuff.
It’s all fantasy settings.
Starting with Space (e.g. 3959 Space Gun), Pirates or Western themed sets, to all those Star Wars sets (which literally have war in their name, but it’s fantasy so it’s OK I guess )
I’ve seen current-day weapons though like those Uzi kind of weapons originating from Indiana Jones or Batman.
There was one crazy series from Lego in 2005 called Dino Attack which I think was mainly for North America. They have (mercenary) soldier type of guys killing dinosaurs with guns.
That’s probably the closest you get to military personal directly from Lego:
It seems like for Europe they dialled it down a bit and released the series as Dino 2010 (also in 2005).
Similar sets but now they use cages to catch dinosaurs instead of blasting them away with guns and RPGs.
Indeed. They even stopped a military airplane: The set “Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey” (number 42113) was already in their online shop for pre-order as they recognized that it was used primary for military cases (well, there was a small shitstorm too ). In the end they canceled the whole set.
Was viele nicht wissen, das die Piraten früher die Kanonen zur Kommunikation nutzten. Und Schwerter wurden auch nur als Reisespiegel genutzt.
For the English speakers:
What many people don’t know is that pirates used cannons for communication. And swords were also used only as travel mirrors.
Ein Piratensäbel ist natürlich nur zum rasieren da. Deshalb sehen Piraten auch so gepflegt aus.
“A pirate sword is only for shaving of course. That’s why pirates always look so well-groomed.”
Die Kanonen am Piratenschiff sind doch nur zur Selbstverteidigung, Piraten waren immer freundlich, friedvoll und mussten sich ständig gegen diese übermächtigen Handelsschiffe “verteidigen” ^^
“Canons on pirate ship are purely for self defense. Pirates always were friendly, peaceful, and against those mighty merchant vessels they always had to “defend” themselves.”
Bingo OK, let me clarify, that’s not the most I’ve paid at retail for a set. I’ve purchased SW for low 4 digits in the resale market because, well, special occasion. Anyway, this is the big baddie:
Picked that one up today, now that it is slowly finding its way into stores
When I first saw it, the “dithering” totally reminded me on the backgrounds of Loom or Monkey Island, plus I do like the space theme, so I needed to have it!
I think the original idea had been a slightly different version of the three panels to the left, and LEGO was kind enough to throw in the fourth (with an ugly green Saturn, which turns out to be the representation of a black hole). Supposedly something like this:
But maybe it’s also sponsored by Nissan. Have to see if it can be salvaged somehow.
Also, the one where you are able to customize the constellation in the background doesn’t look as good with the non-defaults as I hoped it would. I wanted to go for Cassiopeia, but no idea from which vantage point Cassiopeia would look as depicted. It’s from nowhere on Earth, for sure .
Also, my all time favorite, Orion, isn’t among the options at all. Again, some tinkering might remedy that.
But to end on a more positive note, its a set with a fair (if not huge) number of standard bricks (although either black or some garish color), so it might be possible to convert into something else entirely, at some point.