How is the weather (right now)

We never got any rain in the end!

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Interesting - so no one lost the game…? :wink:

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No rain in the end, no one lost the game, Wolfie burns and piggy lives. Happily ever after.


Was nice but seems to be getting worse now.

Lightning and really loud thunder, erk!

Apparently it’s expected to be the same all day tomorrow, so I know what I’ll be doing :wink:

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You lucky Britains! Here we have high temperatures and I feel like I’m on a grill. Can I come over to you? I promise to play the game too! :wink:

It’s quite hot here too! Just with added thunderstorms.

I anticipate odd dreams tonight. If I get any sleep :confused:

Same here. But as we know from the other thread: That could be the beginning of an interesting novel! :slight_smile:

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Wow, I have never seen lightning strikes so close together.

Try to make a picture! Use a long exposure time. That could be awesome photos.

Here’s a snippet. I got soaked doing that :grin:


be careful though!

we got 30+ degrees today and tomorrow too. we might get rain/thunderstorm tomorrow evening.

I can’t watch the video on my Linux system at the moment. But I’ll try it tomorrow. As Sushie said: Be careful. :slight_smile: I thought that you would film it through the window. :slight_smile:

Seems she did, but with the window open (to avoid reflections I suppose).

The weirdest thing I have ever seen was when several were so close together that the sky seemed to be lid up permanently for several minutes. It was just all bright, with no recognizable flashing.

But I´m sure you have a perfectly rational explantion for that again, Scully.

I can’t make the video work, even if I try to copy the link address.

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I’m pretty sure it’s a Discourse messing with it issue (or possibly an @PiecesOfKate not c/p-ing the link right issue), not a Linux issue. :wink:

I did at first, but

(probably the most pointless quote ever)

That sounds really freaky. Maybe someone took the LID off the sky :wink:

2pm, local park
“Scully, look! How can you not see what’s going on here? The sky is permanently bright, you can’t deny that! After all we’ve been through! Sometimes science just doesn’t have the answers.”
“It’s a phenomenon called daylight, Mulder.”


Ah crap. I’ll have a look.

I suspect the same…

Does it work now?



You could make a series of those called “Mulder is getting old”.

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Haha! What a good idea :smiley:

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