Monkey Island Fan translation

some work in progress



Matching the fonts is even more time-consuming than matching the puns and alliterations!

@David, let me know if you want to release a Dutch version :grin:


It is DONE


I’m currently trying to modify some background images from Indiana Jones 3 and Zak McKracken (FM-Towns). Unfortunately I couldn’t find a way to encode images for SCUMM V3 games. The only tools I could find were ScummEditor and Scumm Image Encoder but these only work for for newer SCUMM games (V5 and V6).
Can someone around here help me with this? :pray:

I haven’t been successful re-importing in those either.
Once I have finished all translations, I might set about to creating the ultimate scumm game editor that support all versions (including V1 and V2).
But that might take another year or 20.


this would be amazing! a combination of SCUMMeditor, scummtr and scummspeaks with support for all SCUMM games… :heart_eyes:
I wish you all the best for this project. This is a huge undertaking.

And if you can find out how to encode SCUMM v3 images at some point please let me know! :wink:


[How much curls of wood would the cat scratch off of a staircase if a cat could scratch curls from a staircase?]


Hm, seems like a slightly odd sentence structure?

Hoeveel krullen zou de kat van de trap krabben als de kat krullen van de trap kon krabben?

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That’s because in Belgium we’d put “van de trap” at the end, while in the Netherlands you’d keep it close to the “krullen”.
I mixed a few to keep some variance.

I had already changed my initial “krollen” into “krullen” as the former turns out to be “Southern Dutch” dialect. That is a concession on my part already. :grin:

Not wanting to maintain both a Dutch and a Flemish version, I decided that characters can have their own dialects and speech patterns.
Guybrush, with his French ancestry, is Flemish in my version.
Woody is Dutch.

In Zak, Lou is from Ghent and the busdriver from Antwerp. That allowed me to keep all those “whadda ya…” “lemme see” “ain’t no” ‘s in there


Great idea! :smiley:

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Sometimes a seemingly impossible translation results in something that is even better than the original.

Thanks to my daughter, Bart (one of the pirates at the campfire) now sings a countdown song that is both more suited for children as well as being more sea/pirate-y themed than the generic “99 bottles of beer on the wall”!


Well don’t keep us in the dark!

(Probably not potje met vet…)

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That was my lousy first idea, actually! :joy:

You’ll need to wait until tonight when I am finished working to take some screenshots.


@Sushi Your 99 bottles of beer reminded me of this song:


100 baby fishies went swimming to the sea
That’s all right, said their mommy, but you go on without me
I’d rather stay in our moat, dirty and ol’
'cause there are sharks in the sea who’ll swallow you


the ending is:
“1 klein visje…
… en die bijten je DOOD!”

or in English
“1 baby fishie…
… who’ll swallow you WHOLE!”

(keeping the rhyme is important, use google translate otherwise :grin: )


I’ve used the original song numerous times as a lullaby and it worked great!
:open_mouth: :notes: :sleeping_bed:

Hi Sushi; I found this forum while searching for exactly what you’ve done, a Dutch translation for the kids to play. I can’t seem to find if you’ve got the translation available for download somewhere; if so, could you please point me to it, as I seem to need a little help navigating this site :-).


I’ll PM you the link/instructions

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I did translations for all lucasfilm adventure games and TWP as well. I also did VOs for 4 lucasfilm games and imported all into the game. Its working great!

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