Seguso's Adventure Game Thread

That’s just the way it goes sometimes

Exactly! Finally! THat’s what I wanted!

:joy: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I was starting to think that you guys talked about the weather in those circumstance :rofl:

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Memories… bring back memories… and the memories bring back memories bring back me! :crazy_face:

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What? I see playing my game left you mentally devastated …

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Do doooo, do do dooooo do
do-do-do dooooooo, do do doooooo do :notes:

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Nah, there’s a thread for that. :wink:


I think these sound like even way less sympathetic/ more dismissive; perhaps not even pretending to care

-You can’t make an omelette without breaking the eggs.
-If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
-Do you need a hankie, darling?
-Well, boo hoo.

-Water under the bridge. (I prefer this one actually, as it also cuts any further discussion)

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Thank you Sushi, but in fact “Well, that’s how life goes sometimes” is exactly what I need. In fact this is literally how I had written the line in Italian in the first draft (then I had forgotten ).

By now I’ve almost finished translation. probably I have a couple of hours yet. I’m very happy with how the humour was preserved.

and, while translating, I realized I’ve written like 50 jokes on bodybuilding…

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Then I expect at least 100 on chopping wood! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You have no idea… unfortunately the best ones are in part2…

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Since you’re here, can you help me proof check this grammar?

The backstory is : everybody knows that mike stallone was ranked “among the best in the world”. But nobody knows best at doing what.

So , if you want to know that, what’s the correct way to pose a question:

“among the best AT WHAT?”

“among the best AT DOING WHAT?”

“among the best IN WHAT?”

similarly: Mike stallone operates AT very high levels, or ON very high levels? ( I believe “at” is correct.)

and what is the correct question:

very high levels OF WHAT?

very high levels IN WHAT?

very high levels AT WHAT?

one more: “I feed you food” or “I feed you with food”?



Ok guys… the game is finally translated :slight_smile:

The only things missing are: 1) music and sound, 2) the graphical map, 3) the title screen. 4) And of course, the second half of the game. 5) the tutorial; 6) the hint system

if some of you wants to play, feel free to ask me for the link :slight_smile:

I’m tagging those of you who I think might be interested:
@Ignacio @Frenzie @tasse-tee @Sushi @tlammert @Someone @Nor_Treblig @milanfahrnholz @LowLevel

If you’re too busy right now, I will understand :wink:


I would like to get the link. Maybe I’ll find some time at the weekend, but I can’t promise that at the moment. :slight_smile:

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link sent! (Don’t worry if you can’t manage!)

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Depending on the answer, I would say

for a sport, or

for an activity.

See this thread on WordReference. I can’t sum things up better than that.

I would say “give you”, or “provide you with”.

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Thanks! I made the changes.

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Sure, you can send me the link. :wink:

Sent! Thanks!

Gimme the Zelda!
I mean … link!

