Sure, even more beeping cat pictures

He lived to be 17 and reincarnated in my second daughter.


Oh my goodness, poor little thing! That must’ve been so scary.

Yeah, she also has an intense dislike of the vet now. He’s the guy who gave her the antibiotics and eventually the eye socker operation that fixed everything, but to Nushi the vet is just the Pain Guy™. Cats aren’t that clever about cause and effect I suppose. I reckon she’s expecting expecting him to give her another eye operation instead of a vaccination. Not that she likes the vaccination, mind you. Oooh boy does she ever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw, I can imagine. Cats hate the vet as it is - they really struggle with being wrenched out of their familiar environment. They don’t understand the connection between being prodded about and feeling better. They just run on survival instincts I guess.

I wonder if dometicised animals have longer lifespans compared to their wild ancestors (or even their stray contemporaries) because of the care they get and “unnatural meddeling” like being taken to the vet.

Yes they have. (Except the animals that were eaten by humans…)

Well, sure. I wasn´t talking about livestock of course. Only pets.

Some people eat their pets. (Some years ago there was this special lasagna very popular.)


Should we explain your last two posts to the international audience? :slight_smile:

btw: Happy Birthday to you! Again(?) edit: Oh, wait. It’s the anniversary of joining this community…


Maybe, but wasn´t that a europe wide thing? I´m not sure anymore.

Yeah, lots of users should have that one in the next to days.

Cake for everyone!



I once saved a young cat on the highway. She had two differently coloured eyes, so we called her “Ziggy Stardust”. But as I am allergic to cats, we found someone else to take care of her. Much to the dismay of our kids.


Cats? Where?

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I… but… what… :exploding_head:

My best friend recently adopted a cat and did exactly the same, for the same reason :slightly_smiling_face:

Aw. It’s really nice that you rescued her though.

Amusingly, I find that cats seem to migrate to those who are allergic. I had to surgically remove Fleur from my allergic friend who she attached herself to. She was small and fluffy and he’s a 6ft7 rugby player, which somehow made the whole scenario funnier.


In my neighborhood there is a bodybuilder(*) who has to walk the very small dog of his wife(?). It’s a funny picture.

(*) At least he is huge and muscular - I don’t know him personally.

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I just typed the name into google and got like a gazilion different results, I´m sorry.

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“Well, hello there little fella! Wanna be in my next movie? We call it Dog Hollywood!”