The 2018 what are we playing thread

The Cave would be the perfect argument to buy a real console… :wink:

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Unfortunatly it hasn´t made it to the current gen yet. No PS4 or Switch versions on the horizon.

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Even better: Then The Cave is a reason to buy a retro console!


Ooh yeah, you should! I played it not too long ago and loved it. The storytelling and way it all fits together is so good. And if you get stuck I can help you :slight_smile:

I played it on the Mac but there were some bugs – maybe there won’t be as many on the Wii U? Either way, it’s still worth playing.


Thanks for the offer! I may take you up on that.

I’ll let you guys know when I buy it.


What adventure game do you think I should play next first? (I already pre-filtered the list from 20+ titles)

  • Back to the future
  • Book of unwritten tales
  • King’s Quest VI
  • Sam & Max Season 1
  • Space Quest 1
  • Zak McKracken through Space and Time

0 voters

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Is Back to the Future the Telltale game? I never got around to finishing that…

Yes it’s the telltale one. I started it up a few years ago, but got put off after 5 minutes by the insane amount of dialog trees. Almost as long as this here forum.

I absolutely love the movies though, so I’m definitely playing it sooner or later. (Which one is the subject of above poll)


I’ve finished back to the future, after having finished tales of monkey island.
Don’t liked all the 3D graphics, there are a bunch of glitches, anyway the game isn’t too bad…

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They hadn’t really found their look back then. It’s not until after the 2012 Walking Dead game that they did, except perhaps in Puzzle Agent.

Ooh, SQ got more votes than I thought it would :slightly_smiling_face: Go Roger!


I kinda could’ve predicted what you and @tasse-tee were going to vote for. :wink:


Well, yeah, heh. I’m a bit biased not having played any of the others.

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Not even KQ? I thought you played most of the Sierra games

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Nope. I’ve played Space Quest 1, 2, 3 and a bit of 4, and about half of King’s Quest 1.

You should try the remastered versions. They have a point´n´click interface and a hilarious narrator who sounds a lot like the guy who did The Cave.

“Oh, no!! Sir Graham was caught by an evil witch and now he is a Graham-Cracker!”

Haha :smile: I loved the narrator from The Cave, so that’s tempting.

I don’t think I’m going to live long enough to play all these games. Or read all these books. Watch all these films. Ho hum.

Edit: that sounded a bit grim. I just meant life in general isn’t long enough for consuming all these things.

Now someone say something cheery.


Tomorrow’s a free Monday! :tophat:

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Not gonna lie, reading that made me a bit :disappointed_relieved:

Not in the UK

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