The Castle (game inspired by Maniac Mansion)

I’ve succeeded once in escaping from the vampire girl, by closing a door in a room behind me.
But only once.
Sometimes she enters the room through the closed door! :scream::scream::scream:

Yes I think so, because I’ve been in “paradise”, and there’s the Tesla device which needs a magnetic card.

By the way, to take it, I think I must insert the coin which is under the couch. Still didn’t figure out how to catch it! In Zak McKracken it was enough to use a sheet of paper, a card… here not!

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No, closing the door does not prevent the vampire from following you. She will follow you wherever you go except in some rooms where she will never enter (for reasons of avoiding possible bugs)

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Ah! Good to know!

@seguso: a mild hint for you. You already used the magnetic board, and discovered what happened. Still keep going using it in that very room and in that very way you already know.

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I believe I’m at 80% now. I got access to almost all rooms, got the key to open the door on the roof and did a very important thing in there (sending the letter! :joy::joy:)

Ok, now I asked him all the questions and he also gave me the vatican seal. But I already had this, as Sister Angela. So basically the toad does not do anything new for me? It doesn’t enable me to see the third ending. (I have only seen two).

If you take Sister Angela you don’t need to do this step.

What endings have you achieved?

Well, I am playing with sister angela and the blonde girl.

  1. with sister angela I freed the werewolf who killed everybody.

  2. With the blonde girl I talked to the vampire and he turned the girl into a vampire

Interestingly I couldn’t kill the vampire in the coffin with any object. I tried to use many objects both with the vampire and with the “dialysis” machines, but couldn’t find anything that worked…

is that some other ending that I can see with those two characters, or do I have to restart? If I don’t have to restart, in what rooms should I focus? Thank you @Carles

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I still have to see one ending :laughing:


To trigger the ending 3 you must kill the vampire, there are 2 methods:

  • Making the potion referenced in the game

  • With Agent L stake

The other two finals (4 and 5) are VERY difficult. Look at the guide …

Hi, I made something quite difficult, for the timing, but I succeeded. Anyway, I’m out of ideas and stuck.
Let me recap (warning: possible spoiler)

  • I took the remote control and the ashes. Then, I changed the TV channel to Monkey Island Fake Pirates of Caribbean 10 movie, and recorded on CD
  • In the room with the giant octopus, I turned the projector towards the wall, put the CD and used the projector. Now the octopus is angry/fearful
  • I sent the bat to the Vatican, with the letter found in the sucking blood cell. Still awaiting for its return
  • I have to find something to go past the man-eating plant

wait for the bird to come back! think after 10 minutes it will arrive!

@Carles I looked at your suggestions for a fraction of a second, but they look like solutions, not hints… so I’m not reading them :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, the bird arrived! I’ve discovered how to reach another room: the chapel, by passing through the shark cell’s hole
I’ve ordered the correct pizza.
To build the vampire potions, I need only the seeds, which I don’t know where to find. I have an idea, it should be logic to find the seeds where there are the plants, but … there are not :smiley:

that one is easy… the plant has nothing to do with it.

So, the seeds are not in the carnivor plant’s room?
Well… Maybe I already visited the room where they are, and I missed them.

nope :slight_smile:

think… you’ve seen them already…

however, you can also solve the plant puzzle now if you want. However, be prepared, it’s completely illogical :stuck_out_tongue:

Using everything with the plant will NOT solve it, but will give you a hint that you must not disregard.

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I thought to smoke it… not illogical enough! :smiley:


I’ve been a little busy these days :woozy_face:

You have made important progress, without looking at the walktrough :+1:

You almost have the ending 3! Pay close attention because it is very special.

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Of course not, my religion doesn’t allow it!