The Darkside Detective

Yes! Feed the troll!

I don´t want him to sell the fish to disney after I give it to him, though.

Case closed! Was good fun as always, very very nice. That part I was stuck on was really a case of not backtracking enough. Maybe I should have been given a false incentive like looking for mushrooms in a sewer or something…hint hint…

It’s still not available on GOG (Galaxy). :frowning:

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They really shouldn´t have put those upload duties on Dooley´s shoulders.

Current status:


Finally the update is on GOG and available through GOG Galaxy and standalone download!

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Thanks for recommending this! I just played both demos and loved it. Will be playing the full version soon!

Grab this one the other day. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, even though it’s very casual. But it’s funny so I don’t mind it as much. It looks short though, anyone knows if the devs are working on a sequel or something similar?

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I really like the humour in it. I don’t think they’ve declared plans for a sequel yet, though lots of people have been asking them.

Wait, I thought this was a sequel annoucement: have I misunderstood?

looks like it!

this is a tweet from May 31st:

“It’s on the way. We’re a bit delayed because the lazy developers decided they all needed to take a vacation at more or less the same time… You just can’t get the staff these days.”

I was treating those as installments to the first game. They’ve added some cases to it already.

Hence ‘final case for Season One’.

oh yeah good point, it’s nor really a sequel… but better than nothing :slight_smile:

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Yeah. They did a Christmas special one that was pretty good, too.

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That’s cool! I Haven’t played that one yet.

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Yeah that latest announcement was maybe like a month ago, and I´ve been expecting it to arrive soonish since.


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Tut, stuck already!

Okay that weight sliding puzzle took me longer than I care to admit. That´s why I score low on IQ tests. :frowning: