Thimbleweed Park Italian fan dub Project - Official Thread(TM)

Yeah and I just realised that this number includes at least two more regulars.

Funny thing about the Brooklyn accent…

Darren Aronowsky is a Brooklyn cab driver who is making movies

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Nah, half of mine are good :stuck_out_tongue: the other half needs to be redone.

You know I’m 100% satisfied with Morena, Carney, Leonard, Ricki Lee and Cassie :smiley:


Wohoo, I have a permit to criticize!
I… have no critiques…

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:+1:I made my calculations well

During our hard work of cutting audio files, sometimes we can have some fun…

Here is our Dragon @cvalenti who asks for quiet, please!

Silenzio, là dentro!

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“Shut up in there” it’s the original line :stuck_out_tongue: study more and come back next round.

That wasn’t intended to be an exact quote… but you’re right. I humbly apologize with anyone offended by that.


All the messages in the various threads regarding the TWP italian dubbing have been moved here, and the other threads have been closed.

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Yes. Now, thanks to @Calypso, we have an Official Thread™. Rejoice!


So any updates you can give us on the technical process of having the dub in the game? Who will work on this (and possible future German version): fans and/or Terrible Toybox?

From a recent post by Ron, I now gather it will rather be the latter?

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:scream: What the f-



How many times did you perfectionists make him say that line?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Terrible Toybox will do the magic.
We will only provide the audio files.

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It seems @sushi was mumbling about that unanswered question since many months ago! :smiley:

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Yeah and finally I got an answer now!

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Sorry mate, I couldn’t reply back then.
I had quite an hard time trying to avoid your questions… :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, Kubrick was nobody in comparison…:smile:

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A new demo :slight_smile: Ransome and George the postman.

Audio still needs some post processing, there’s too much difference between the characters, George stands out way more. Well, George had a way better equipment than me. But you know what? I think it’s pretty good nevertheless, and we’ll probably manage to level all the sounds.