Thimbleweed Park Role-playing Game 🎲

Hazel is hungry but only a little bit.

I also take a bite of the Schweinshaxe and save the rest for later.
That tasted weird.

Yeah. The people in the USA don’t know how to make a good Schweinshaxe…

You both eat the Schweinshaxe. You feel nauseous. You both run for the doors Hazel manages to reach the ladies room while Brian runs out of the Diner and throws up in the back alley.

Brian notices something in the dark.

Brian has to roll one for luck.

Oh, great. With my luck…

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 17

(Going to bed now, but feel free to continue.)

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9 + 17 = 26

You needed 20.


You barley manage to duck as a dark shape rushes out of the shadow and disappears into the night. Luckily you evade falling into your own vomit. There is a dime on a floor.

Pick up the dime.

Inventory updated. You are exactly one dime richer. Today must be your lucky day!

Look around.

It is very dark. Make a roll for “see hidden things”.

(For some unknown reason I forget constantly that I have that skill… :slight_smile: )

Ok, I use my talent see hidden things.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 14

16 + 14 = 30

You needed 25 to spot the strange tube in the trashcan.


You see a strange tube in the trashcan.

I also forgot that you now have to chance to level up your skills. You can make one throw to increase luck and one to increase see hidden things.

Take the tube.

For level up:
@discobot roll 2d20

:game_die: 2, 2

I think I said you have to reach your current skill level number, right? Unfortunatly you cannot level up at this point.

Though I might have to rethink that rule since that would mean leveling up would be come increasingly harder. Maybe I´ll allow two dice for one level up roll.