WARNING: dangerous topic (politics!)

Have you also read Article 13 which they have also passed?

I’m very anti-censorship and Article 13 is inacceptable for this reason and also technical reasons:
Automatic filters which will be required never work sufficient enough, they will either be ineffective (i.e. against the law) or they will block more then they should.

My hope is that YouTube will just block the whole EU. This will free me up quite some time when I’m not being seduced to watch videos there anymore.


10 of thousands did indeed protest, but not because they don’t agree that the current situation is untenable, but because they don’t agree with the solution that has now been passed in the EU parliament. This will still need to be implemented in national law in the member countries, so we don’t yet know exactly what the eventual regulations will look like, but it’s not implausible that it will mostly benefit the large companies and not the small artists and other creative people.

Personally I am still a bit on the fence but lean towards being against the new law.

What I would like to see is an explanation for how the regulation is supposed to help small, independent artists. In my view “google has to pay more” = “better outcome for small artists” does not quite cut it as a justification for ‘article 13’.

I’ve never talked about (only) small artists.

I want the internet be an extension of the real world. With all the rules and rights of the real world. That’s the point of view.

A journalist get paid from small or big companies, he/she has to get paid.

Article 13 has been changed, now into article 17. Anyway I don’t see perils for freedom of information.

It doesn’t change anything for something like YouTube (which is commercial).
And the only way to have effective filters (which is possible per se) is to just filter much more than necessary.

I certainly don’t want such kind of automatic filters demanded by governments.


Many artists and journalists I know personally are against it, mostly because it benefits big companies more than them.

It also opens the gates for a world where the “rights with Lucasfilm/Disney but not with Ron Gilbert” situation is pretty much the standard.

And the upload filters are a stupid idea, but something companies like youtube will be forced to.
So good luck with uploading your preview clips of the italian dub to youtube in the future!

And btw spotify doesn´t pay artists enough.

No one is against copyright reform in any way. The way the current law is forumlated is incredibly shitty though.


The worrying thing is that they voted in favour without even looking at the suggestions for improvement.

Also that they rescheduled the vote to be before most of the information events as if to forcefully punch it through in it´s current form.

This was not the best way to do this in any way shape or form.

Milan, this is probably one of the last things this parliament, so composed, will vote. The opportunity to finally legiferate should not have been missed.

With the next european parliament, the so called populists will be stronger (I hope not! :slight_smile: ), thus dividing Europe and making it way weaker towards the high economical power of the internet giants.

Interesting way of seeing that.

Fair enough. But it’s been one of the main arguments by the proponents of the new regulation (i.e. protect the small guy from the big corporations).

I have not seen anybody disagreeing with the goal of sharing the loot. It’s the how that the disagreement is over.

‘Article 13’ (17, I know, hence the scare quotes) will force the large content platforms into using upload filters and/or making license agreements with the copyright holders (which in parts they already have with e.g. the GEMA in Germany).

But that will not work for all content creators who may themselves be forced to sign up with the large license holders (like GEMA) to be able to get their share and can no longer operate independently.

But I’ll guess we’ll see how this plays out. I just hope that the powers that be will correct any collateral damage that comes out of this. Well, first off I hope that no such damage occurs and it’s just the big platforms that will have to share some of their profits.

Will Italy have a new government?

  • Yes, Giuseppe Conte as Prime Minister
  • Yes, someone else as Prime Minister
  • No, Go to vote

0 voters

When will Belgium have a new government?

  • This month
  • This year
  • Before the next elections
  • When hell freezes over
  • After MI3a is released

0 voters

Hold on, why does @Someone get more of the vote?! :angry: :fishing_pole_and_fish: :bomb: :bone: :rofl:

1 Like

Discourse tries to ensure the sum is always 100% after rounding so someone has to get this one percent.
You are not someone.

You could try naming yourself somebody and see if the Discourse servers will explode.


On Monday the UK prime minister Boris Johnson shut down parliament for 5 weeks in the run-up to Brexit. Last week a court decided that this was legal.

But just now, the highest civil court in Scotland has ruled that it was ILLEGAL!

Now the Supreme Court will have to decide next week who is right. What will they say?

  • It’s legal
  • It’s illegal

0 voters

I think it’s legal, because THE Immortal Queen thinks it is.

Well… against all odds, we had a new government! And with the same Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte!


But the Queen generally acts on the advice on the prime minister, and she is also expected to stay politically neutral. It is convention for her to agree with whatever proposals she is given by the PM - the opposite is more or less unheard of.

That’s a difficult question because I don’t know the (details of the) British laws. Or would you like just to know what we (other Europeans) think about it?

Congrats, your new government is more secure than ours :joy:

1 Like

Well, what worries me more, because the decision will impact even my work, is:

  • There will be DEAL or NO DEAL ?
1 Like