It did not occur to me that this would have been an unintentional. What with the moustache and all. Just seemed to fit. Also it would be interesting if Boris noticed that as well and was thus consequent with the translation.
Oh, yes. Definitely.
I don’t remember where I read an article about some cartoon designers who had a in-joke during development which sounded like “no, that was in the simpsons, yet”…
They even forecasted the election of Trump, ten years ago.
See above I guess? That episode actually made a real good point about creativity and originallity when there is just so much around already. Chef just says at point “everything has been done already at some point, even this very moment is taken from The Twilight Zone”.
And, oh, yes. That was South Park. Good cartoon, despite I don’t follow it (seen just 3-4 episodes in total).
I’m very fond of the first 10 seasons of the simpson. The writers are great comedians.
Is it the same joke, though? In this case the joke is that there are literally violin players present. In TwP it´s just used to underscore the jumpscare effect of Edna´s appearence (unless you´re refering to another part of the game).
Edit: Oh, you mean the part where the coroner appears under the blankets? Yeah I think they´re fourthwalling the violins there, so it is similar, but still not really the same.
There’s a scene where Mel Brooks is in a car with a chaffeur, the guy tells him someone is dead and he suspects “foul play”. Immediatly the screeching violins start playing, Mel Brooks is startled, and when he looks out of the window he sees a bus filled with an orchestra playing exactly that.
Except Max Landis, because he´s the son of John Landis…why do funny people name their sons Max?
Maybe because of this guy?
Wait a minute that show was also by Mel Brooks! And it included a joke that was referenced in Monkey Island “That´s the second biggest…I´ve ever seen”!