watch the sixth season !
It really took a bit to take off, but once they found their style it got real good and stayed good for really long. Not a fan of the recent story arc seaons though, their strenght was in commenting on current events.
I remember watching one episode where Homer (I think) was going on some kind of crazy rampage and you hear the eerie violin music, then a couple seconds later the musicians walk past him while playing. That was the first time I saw that joke and it cracked me up.
Really?! I obviously missed the other times they played. I did uncover the coroner under the blanket but I don’t remember the music at that point, nor do I remember any of the characters actually making note of violins at that moment.
I remember I rofled for a whole while watching the telly in hotel rooms, especially the cat show.
Don’t know why things like this get me the most , must be some kind of simpletardation in my brain.