Your song-of-the-day, based on your current mood

Mmmh, that could be either pepper or pickles, depending on the size.

If @tasse-tee was in Essen then I it’s more likely to be pepper.

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To get back on-topic: This is my mood in the next hours (German lullaby; haven’t found an English one that fast).

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And for some inexplicable reason I hear this song in my head with a female voice singing in a cockney accent… :crazy_face:

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Aren’t you not a little bit too old for such songs now? :wink:

Why yes! I aren´t not!

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I really shouldn’t do several things at the same time… :wink:

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Tee hee :grinning:

The line I was chuffed about, if you’re interested, is:

So get a three-piece Wall Street smile and then you’ll look just like me.

It’s a bit of a tongue twister. I love how he says ‘meeeee’ in an off-beat dragged out way.

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I was indeed! I was trying to guess which one it was when I listened to it earlier. :slight_smile:

Dammit, I should’ve let you guess…

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(I could really use a fish right now, fish right now, fish right now)

We should open a mondegreen thread. They´re the funniest things.

Don’t be afraid to catch fish!

Interestingly enough, I was able to hear “feels” the first time I heard it, but according to the comments, a lot of english mother-tongue people weren’t! Haha, I’m getting better, I guess!

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It appears there is a phlethora of fish releated mondegreens out there? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :fish:

That’s what I heard! :fish:


So you´re into beer smuggling now? :thinking: