Your song-of-the-day, based on your current mood

I’m late, but my song-of-the-day from last thursday to saturday was:


That really is such a great theme tune (though I prefer the older shrieky midi versions :wink: ) Having heard it a lot lately with these threads I’m wondering if I even prefer it over Maniac Mansion, which until now was my favourite LucasArts theme.


But your phone played Monkey Island theme all the time :thinking:

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True, only when a new message arrived. But my mind was always focused on Zak McKracken, it couldn’t be otherwise.

Of course. Never thought anything else.

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“I was thinking of you the whole time!”


I (reasonably) liked Muse from Showbiz to Absolution. Although my Last.FM probably has a few spins of Black Holes on it too.

Oh wow, I almost forgot that! Do people still use that?

I still scrobble occasionally, yes. I’ve been on Audioscrobbler for a very long time.

You can get a very good impression of my musical tastes circa '06 over there. These days it’s very… fragmentary.

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If you have the time, listen to this twice… first without watching the video…

Fun fact: the singer announced this song as a surprise to be in a billboard-100 of Dutch classics , “ ‘cause it’s by far the worst and ugliest song I’ve ever written”

Or how there’s beauty in ugliness.
(For non-Dutch people, you probably are not going to notice, but she sings with a very weird/ugly/interesting accent on top of it).
I wonder what other people think of the melody and the song as a whole…

I think she’s lost a bit of weight since I last saw her? But what do you mean about her accent?

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I mean her accent was the first thing that sparked my interest when I first heard her on the radio a couple of years ago. At first I was annoyed by it (just like the one of Elly Nieman in Boudewijn De Groot’s Meester Prikkebeen), then intrigued (turning up the radio whenever the song was on again) and after some time, I started appreciating it. And now Roosbeef is actually a favourite of mine (not that I know a lot of her songs - I knew the one you posted above and I like this rendition a lot!) to the point other bands like [can’t remember their name right now… something with Faye?] that sound similar also get my sympathy. I also did not watch any videos of her before, so the slightly crazy singing style and her stage presence match up pretty accurately.

She purposefully puts the emphases strangely but I can’t say I notice much of an accent besides regular “Poldernederlands.”

I guess we don’t get too many polderDutch songs on the radio, then.

Wikipedia thought me that two members if the band are also in ‘t zesde metaal (among other bands)… which produced some other awesome songs like:

Those guitars in the chorus are just :exploding_head: genius!

Perhaps, even Bløf was barely known here until Zoutelande. But it’s pretty much just what Belgians think of as “Hollandic.”

This keeps getting stuck in my head…

:notes: Do you find this happens all the time? :snake:

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No idea why! :crazy_face:

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That title sounds like a Mario spin-off game. :smile:
Never heard the song itself before (not even now, as I didn’t click the link -yet)