Your song-of-the-day, based on your current mood

I’ve just been analysing a dream for a friend, with this on in the background. Coincidental, but actually quite apt.


That’s cool. What kind of meaning did you find in the dream? Was there an event, object etc that symbolised something else?

And did it involve height altering mushrooms?


It was kind of a typical stress dream. Running around trying to find her stolen underwear – classic. I think she’s probably worried about something subconsciously.

Okay @someone here´s your cue to bring out that tired old running gag about me again. :neutral_face:


Yesterday I dreamt that Ron opened a TWP Forum theme park (note: not a TWP theme park - a TWP forum theme park). Everything was blue and there were slides and rollercoasters and there was a train that went through different stations named after the forum members and I got to know every one of you.

Today I dreamt the beginning of the Real Monkey Island 3a™. There was child Guybrush at home speaking with his parents about how he needed to be an adult again because he’s a pirate and stuff, and the father was upset that the child had a split personality problem and said “why can’t my son be just like the other kids?” and the mother was like “honey, please, not in front of little Guybrush”.

What’s your diagnosis, doc?


Gonna sing this in the dentist chair later today:

I bet mine was in the red light district.


Those are my kind of dreams. That sounds amazing.

I’d say the first one is a pretty literal summary of your time on the forum and the people you’ve ‘met’. You feel Ron is the ‘commissioner’ of this fun, and that it’s a fairly orderly system. It’s a nice, easy ride on a train as opposed to having to walk to each of us, or seek us out. A theme park is also quite a specific, enclosed area, keeping all the fun in one place with everything else on the outside, so I maybe it’s also somewhere you feel ‘focused’ and free of distraction. Which is nice :slight_smile:

The second one seems quite surface-level too. Though Guybrush here could represent your ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ selves, if we wanted to make it more interesting :wink: you have a family, right? So maybe it’s about the ‘sensible’, grown-up part of your life running in parallel with your virtual gaming/online/forum activities. And that might explain why the next chapter of MI has adult-speak overtones.


My station would have a spinning teacup ride! :smiley:


I have plenty of those :stuck_out_tongue: I usually remember all the details of my dreams.

For the times that I don’t, a couple of years ago I put a notepad and a pencil besides my bed so I could take notes before everything faded. I woke up in the middle of the night after a dream that I had to write down, I wrote, I got back to sleep.

The next morning, on my notepad, there was this writing: dinner + avocados sauces eggplants nerd.

I stopped doing that.


That´s quite remarkable. Not many people dream their shopping list.

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Where do you buy a nerd? I tried in the local grocery shops, but they seem to be out of them.



I was about to say I’ve done that. But I’ve never done that.

You were clearly concocting an amazing new dish in your sleep. Maybe you meant ‘curd’. Or maybe you were so pleased with yourself you meant ‘word’. Let’s hope you didn’t mean ‘turd’.


That’s interesting, since everything was written in Italian except for nerd. And the most similar-sounding Italian word is… merda.

So I probably actually meant turd.

Nailed it!

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Several today…

I really have no idea why. Must be a subconcious thing, though I can´t quite put my finger on it. The mind is an illusive little devil.


Or you are a split personality…

Hogwash! None of us are!

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I think you thoroughly covered it for classic dream songs. I’ll just add one more to the party:

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