German dubbing thread

For Agent Ray, I always had the voice of Franziska Pigulla in my head. She would certainly have been one of the ideal castings. Just to find out today that she died a few days ago. That is really sad. She was one of the most famous German dubbing actors. Among others she was the impressive German voice of Gillian Anderson in “The X-Files”, or Nicole Collard in “Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars”. To have her as a German voice would have been outstanding.


About the spare time: we do this for free, just for the sake to do it. There will be other things in our life, with higher priority, and the ETA will move forward… but this means only that sooner or later the “project priority” will go up .

We initially thought to finish within the 2018 year, then something more important have happened in our lives. It’s normal. It’s the life.

Since we didn’t have a strict deadline, we choosed to put the project on hold, to be continued later.

So… you German guys don’t be afraid to join your dubbing project, just because you don’t see an end. Begin it. The end will come. :skull:



TBF I´m all ready as long as I don´t get pressured into buying costly equipment.

However no one seems to want to lead this. At least not those who could.

But I´m happy to see your version if that ever finishes.

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Too late, I´m afraid!


More like:


Have you ever TRIED to wipe with just one piece of paper? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Well, good luck with just the roll :smiley:


I collect my recording equipment together again and do test recordings in the near future. So far I have only used my equipment for Skype. Of course I don’t have any experience as a dubbing artist or speaker.

These are the official German translations from the subtitles.

  • Ich bin unschuldig!
  • Warum sollte ich, wenn ich doch nur wegen ihnen hier einsitze?
  • Aber ich war es doch nicht, ich schwöre!
  • Der einzige, den ich je umbringen wollte, war Chuck Edmund, aber der ist schon tot!
  • Ich war verängstigt und verwirrt!
  • Als Ihr die guter Bulle, Böser Bulle Nummer abgezogen habt, wollte ich einfach nur, dass es aufhört!
  • Ich bin nur ein einfacher Geigen und Uhren Techniker für die Reichen und Schönen!
  • Ich werde mit euren Verhörmethoden aus der großen Stadt nicht fertig!
  • Dieser Haufen Schrott steckt doch unter einer Decke mit dem, der mich reinlegen will!
  • Fragt irgendeinen da draußen und alle werden sagen, “Der alte Willie tut keiner Fliege was zuleide”!
  • Wie ich mich fühle?
  • Wie ich mich FÜHLE?!!
  • Ich bin sauer wie sonst noch was, so fühle ich mich!
  • Ihr habt mich einfach eingesperrt, obwohl ich gar nichts getan habe.
  • Ihr Leute kotzt mich an!

There’s always a first time.

Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face:

Having a costly equipment is a good thing for sure, but you can obtain surprisingly effective results with devices you already own.
Smartphones or tablets often have surprisingly good microphones. You can record in your car in a garage, with the device’s microphone 20-30 cm away from your mouth, during hours when there’s not traffic outside. Print the desired part on paper, so to not have other devices like laptops that can make noises.
After that with a free software like Audacity, you can apply noise reduction filter. I’ve done so, after learning that from the dubbing project, for another project and the results are nice. Quality improved largely from my first attempts more than one year ago!

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That´s good. It´s just that what I did for the italian dub, really didn´t need good audio quality since it´s on an answering machine (which you maybe apply additional fx to).

Are you still using that btw? I wouldn´t put it past you, if you don´t.

Also sorry about your loss of Delores btw.

Yeah, sure. It’s nice and it has the great added value it comes from a forum member.


None told us to buy costly equipment, we did our best with our means.

Just don’t leave the engine running! :scream:


Except if you’re recording Willie. In that case, it might help.

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I would love to contribute too, but I also don´t have any equipment and of course not the time to do something every day. But I have a car, a garage and a smartphone :smile:
Also since Iḿ located between cologne and Bonn, a have some sort of “kölschen Dialekt”. Not very strong, but it’s there and can be recognized easily.

I have sort of a higher pitched voice, but in the right mood, on the right day I can go way deeper.
I’m in the phonebook, for those that are wondering.
But be aware, I almost forgot the deadline for submitting the answering machine recording and submitted my record about 1 min before it was suposed to close. I wasnˋt too happy with it. It was sort of nonesense and the first that came in my mind… but I had to submit something now. :sweat_smile:

But right, someone would have to take the lead, I can´t provide that too, way to less time for something like this.


There’s a bunch of characters which account for less than 100 lines, so they can be recorded in half an hour. And some characters have even less than 20 lines, can be recorded in a glance.
I think the guy in charge could start making a list of the characters, a list of the wannabe actors and try to start matching. I’d prepare two small standard auditions: 5 male characters and 5 females. Not more than 4 lines each. It can be recorded in minutes. So every candidate can test his/her equipment and his/her voice in different parts.

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I took some test recordings. Now I’m not so sure if I still want that. Willie’s original speaker is really great. I never get close to that, no matter what I do. I also find drunken speaking surprisingly difficult. Recorded my voice sounds much thinner than I know it myself. I have some doubts whether I really am the right person for the role. A really good speaker would be appropriate for the game. At the moment my recordings sound a bit like Johann König. I prefer to be honest.

Just fold it.