How is the weather (right now)

And it isn’t the first time… (sorry for :point_right: -ing out )


It isn´t? Well exsqueeeeeeeze meeeeeeeeee if I cannot fullfill your exceptional expectations of my excellent education.

We have great saying in germany:

“Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten.”

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Yeah I have hig standarts and exceptations for your englisch, as you usualie do write it very well.
I am as surprised to see Kate turning a blind eye.

So where do want to be squeeeezed now? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Since she liked your post, I assume that she didn´t. I know you prefer her pointing out my mistakes over us just getting along good, so sorry for nowl

Absolutely not!

And I wrote misstakes. It´s just too hot here…

You got a game for everything, huh?


Hey, if I pointed out every single mistake made by anyone I’d have no time to post anything else, and I’d also have no friends :wink: And I don’t mean that in a critical way - it’s human to make mistakes I’m an :alien:


:notes: I’m a :balance_scale: :alien:
:notes: I’m an Englishman in NY
:ear: :snake:


In my line of work, there is no excuse for me to do any mistakes in English… Nor in German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian… So, please do correct me.

I really have to note that the only language I have any knowledge of is Finnish. And the language so difficult I failed it at school.

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My German isn’t that good to judge if it is the case or not, but that saying should be always misspelled on purpose, just to mindf*** with whoever reads it. :grin:

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Now you have tickled our curiosity (well mine at least)… what line of work do you do then?

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That would be like supermeta!

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Create marketing materials to EMEA, CEE, CIS areas. It’s not like I should understand all the languages, but have done the job so long I notice the mistakes quickly. And as I have notified my clients about these mistakes, they tend to rely on me too much. I try to tell them I’m not the one to spot the mistakes, but…


Great, hours under the sun to see hectolitres of melted wax…


Well it was very cold in the chamber of horrors…and loud…all those screams…I think I´m having PTSD right now! :scream:

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Yes, if the humidity doesn’t change too much, I can feel those three degrees, because I start to lose my braaaaain past that limit :stuck_out_tongue:

I could do that for just a minute. After that, if I’m sweaty, I start to feel ill…


I was rather saying that it’s a small step between your ideal temperature and the one where you think it is way too hot (not really whether you can feel the small increments).
Personally I think 18-20 degrees is fine if you’re moving, 20-22 is ideal when your sitting idle, 23-27 is ideal for relaxing with a drink. 28-30 mandates a drink 31-33 add some icecream and anything above 33 is just too darn hot.
So for me there is almost 10 degrees between the ideal temperature and the meltdown.

I think it is also a psychological thing. 18 degrees in winter inside feels chilly, while in summer it feels great. (Vice versa for 24 degrees)

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