How is the weather (right now)

Hey I know that is true when my two nieces (9 and 13) are way smarter than I am! (which admittedly isn´t that hard, but that´s beside the point).


Yes that’s interesting. In (ancient) Greek, the sun (ὁ ἥλιος) is male. The earth (ἡ γῆ) is female. If I remember well the genres are associated with the idea that the sun is the energy that impregnates the earth which gives birth to living things. Also the moon (ἡ σελήνη) is female. And so it is in Latin.


I think it makes sense for the moon to be female (especially in Latin) since its connection with months and thus menstruation.


Yeah, I’d assumed this was what this issue was rather than what term was being used for the weather… er person.

I’d instinctively say ‘weathergirl’ but as @tasse-tee says that’s probably a bit un-PC. So I’d awkwardly end up saying ‘weatherperson’.

Tut, you’re all talking too fast again! Now we’re onto monthly cycles apparently.



Oh, we were just talking about the weather. :wink: How is it today at your place?

Only a question of logic (I personally put logic before feminism in my language considerations) but when you say “weatherman”, shouldn´t you say “weatherwoman” instead of “weathergirl” because you don´t say “weatherboy” either?

Too many syllables. It sounds more odd to me than “weathergirl”.

There is very little logic in language!


I hate spring because my allergies have me firmly in their itch-inducing claws for about 2-3 months. I can´t wait for midsummer when the grass has been cut everywhere. :sneezing_face:

And it’s a bit tongue-twisty.

Wed woman, wellow woman. Wed woman, weather woman.

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The weather here is horrible. But it should be better during the weekend. I’ve been to Italy for Easter and it was fine, but I was in a very cold house and I think I got a cold there, now I feel horrible and I hope I get fever so at least I don’t go to work tomorrow.

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It’s actually quite nice. No rain, just a light breeze – perfect for a pleasurable lunchtime stroll (so my colleague could buy discounted Easter eggs).

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Be careful what you wish for… :face_with_thermometer:
Hope you feel better soon!

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Today we have rain again, but it’s only drizzling.

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And what would the Weather Girls say?

Get well soon! We need you both! :slight_smile:

Here the temperatures are raising and raising. According to the Weather Girls weather forecast we should reach over 20 degrees in the next days…


“You don´t need a weatherman to to know which way the wind blows” - Bob Dylan

But only after eating enough beans…

Or putting them on a chair…


Sun! Over 20 degrees (Celsius of course, not Fahrenheit). And I have to work… :disappointed_relieved: