How is the weather (right now)

Well as it turns out it´s more secure to stay indoors, today…:frowning:

More secure? :open_mouth: Because of the hordes of bikers, cyclists and pollen?

I was refering to the incident in Münster. I hope you don´t know anybody in the area.

@Someone’s at work. He doesn’t see the news…

EDIT: writing simultaneously

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Today: Sun
Me: Working

Tomorrow: Rain
Me: Holidays

(I can’t help myself, but something is going wrong in Germany…)

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Ah, calm your tits Heinrich Heine!

Turns out what I thought was the moon is actually a stain on my window…



And what do you object to? The profanity or the deep cut literary reference? I thought one might outweigh the other, but whatever…

It’s @PiecesOfKate! She would never reference the … you know what. She’s a gentlewoman!

Neither - I just thought it was a curious phrase :slightly_smiling_face:

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At uni my friend and I went through a phase of saying ‘that’s the tits!’ meaning something’s really good.

Now I’m not sure if I have to withdraw my last post… :thinking:

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I know that one. It´s funny that it can both mean positive and negative(without the “the” and spoken in an angry voice).

And americans don´t use that I think.

I’ve never heard it used in a negative sense - apart from ‘tits-up’ (‘it’s all gone tits-up!’) and that just sounds painful.

I think I have but don´t remember where.

I like tits.


Me too. But you should be careful if you have a pussy. Because pussies like to eat tits.
You don´t want a pussy eating tits.


Another “Thimbleweed Park” sunset. This time picture taken in my county, from my mansion.


The McKracken Mansion Mansion?

It’s not raining now, but in a few hours it’s going to rain that God sends her (literal, word by word translation from an Italian way of saying that means rain cats and dogs).

And my mother-in-law is coming to town. I wonder whether the weather* has something to do with this.

*I know it’s Season 14, @milanfahrnholz. Forgive me.


I didn´t even recognize it. But I´ll admit that there are single jokes from later seasons now and then that aren´t that bad, while the show stopped working as a whole long ago.