This topic is a more generic version of these:
While waiting for Beyond a Steel Sky (for mere mortals without apple devices) here is a recent interview with Charles Cecil and Rolf Saxon, mainly about Broken Sword:
It’s always a pleasure to listening to those guys! Interviewer is Jason Manford, a British comedian who in lockdown learned about the strange phenomenon of people watching other people play video games.
Noah Falstein mentioned an interesting piece of information at 44:14 on his interview about his amazing continuing journey through the game industry
In fact, later this afternoon I’m going to be working on a collaboration with two of my other friends of that era and it’s still unreleased. So, I probably shouldn’t even say who they are.
A short interview with Bill Tiller (made by the creator of The Shivers):
Meet the Team: Bill Tiller (lead illustrator)
Virtual presentation by David Fox about development of Rube Works VR:
Here is a short in-game video of a development build:
David Fox interviewed at a Spanish event, yesterday.
Questions from the users at 1:11:26
Action figures of Zak collected by now (donated by fans around the world) at 40:00
Did you miss your chance to catch up with Noah last year during his Indy tour with David and ask him that one burning question you have?
Here’s a chance to get an answer!
Interview with Mike Stemmle (Sam & Max hit the road, Escape from Monkey Island, Telltale games…)
Here’s one with the guys behind Beautiful Desolation.
While I’ve mixed feelings about the game itself, the interview is really fun and touches on quite a few interesting subjects. Some pretty wild adventure game design theories in there, too: “Death as a reward for exploration”. They probably played one Sierra game too many.
An interesting interview with Peter McConnell, mainly about Grim Fandango:
(the interview starts around minute 77).
The Museum of Arts and Digital Entertainment in California interviews David Fox. If you’re a patron of The MADE on Patreon, they also posted an interview with Ron Gilbert, which will probably be made available to the public next week. Prior to this, they did several podcasts talking about adventure games in general. Have a listen!
Have you ever wondered how a video game is created and what are the stages that lead to its completion? I had the honor of interviewing Daniele Spadoni, an independent developer who has been dedicating himself to this fantastic art for years, creating fantasy multiverses based on films and video games, from Back to the Future to Ghostbusters, passing through Terminator and The Knights of the Zodiac. His philosophy is this: “My goal is to revive the magic of the 80s. Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit passion to others”.
Here the full interview. Good vision!!!
PS. There are subtitles … I hope you can understand something.
Starting from 6:30, a surprise
I have had a great pleasure to spend time with them both.
Daniele and Zak, that is.
@Festarossa Yes, I remember you very well.
You are a great person!
Guessing game: what do Annie Fox and @ZakPhoenixMcKracken have in common?
Many things, but they both speak Italian.
And they both have met you, me, David, and so many others on this forum.