The X-Files 2018

So according to Gillian Anderson (and I’m sure she would know), this is out 8 February.

And for some reason Scully’s in the promo shots even though she’s not in it.

She doesn’t look very Scully like :neutral_face:

Edit: I’ve just seen the Mulder picture. I’m not even going to post it.

what?! gib moooar gifs. gifs guud.

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So we finally have a date too – 5 February! (They like to cut it close.) So that’s quite a bit before your air date :frowning:

Oh wow, that means you´re gonna be a whole 4 episodes ahead of me. :neutral_face:

I know, that sucks.

Maybe I’ll write my thoughts after each episode so they’re fresh, but I’ll only publish them one at a time as you watch them.

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Yeah, that might be the best way. I was thinking of buying the episodes that you´re ahead from amazon, but still TV would never be able to catch up.


Eat your words my friend! :angry:

No, seriously thanks for being considerate! :slight_smile:

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And together with the new series, a game is coming:


What the…

Thanks, I’ve never seen this before :slight_smile:

Closest I’ve come across is the parody comic I bought years ago, called The X FLIES (strangely can’t find an image for it).

This one?

Haha, no.

The name offers so many possibilities:

There also isn´t a parody called “The T-Rex Files” the tagline could be “The truth is somewhere down there…”

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Anyone else excited for the new season?
Because the way this thread looks now makes it kinda seem as if @PiecesOfKate and I were working on some sort of super secret Mulder & Scully Cosplay, which we totally aren´t! :astonished:

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Sorry to be the party pooper(*) again, but: No. For me the best X Files episode was the one in The Simpsons. (Shitstorm in 3, 2, 1…) So I am the wrong person if you would like to discuss the X Files. :slight_smile:

(*) That’s my new favorite English term, btw. :wink:

But… *puts wig away*


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There there, everything´s fine, @Someone doesn´t know what he´s talking about…

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“I’m shaking. I’m shaking.”


In all fairness that is a good Simpsons episode (I bought it on VHS, naturally).

That crossover was a big event then on first airing and they promoted it more than they usually did for new Simpsons Episodes (that was at the time when the new Simpsons didn´t even premiere at prime time but more like around 6 or 7 pm and I think they made an exception for this).

Coincidentally like Fox both shows ran on the same station here in germany and they even used the same dubbing voices for the two characters.

Also I think that famous “wrong pills” scene with Jasper is from that episode.