DAMN, here X-Files is on FOX channel only (Sky 112), and on Monday evening (I can’t watch it).
I will avoid further reading of this topic to avoid spoilers
Yeah, I normally would be too with that sort of thing, but I don’t feel like they’re just passing it off as a dream, more a kind of vision or foreshadowing. And I thought it was all a bit melodramatic when it happened at the end of season 10 so this diluted that nicely for me.
Haha, the second bit is what made me WTAF. I don’t think we’re meant to assume they bumped uglies though. I mean this is The X-Files - no one gets any.
I’m not sure - I think he wrote most of them. I think it was half and last time - maybe the same again?
I’ll be jealous of you when you’re watching for the first time
That’s a shame. When will you get to see it? We won’t spoil anything here - I don’t think we have so far.
I have to find an “alternative method”. wink wink.
Wikipedia says 2 arc and 8 standalone episodes this season and so far only one other episode has been written by Chris Carter.
This may mean that this particular arc only gets seriously continued in the final episode…
Oh, yeah that’s weird. I’d assumed there were more than two. I’m guessing most of the ones in between the first and last will be unrelated to the main story then, as you say.
There’s a lot of stuff flying around on Twitter that I’m trying to avoid!
There´s unusally frequent references to real life events, I don´t remember seeing that much stock footage of Clinton, Bush or Regan on the old X-Files.
I also think it´s funny they assume that even the most stupid conspiracy theories are true like the “faked moonlanding”. The opening reminded me a lot of the “Musings From a Cigarette Smoking Man” Episode they might even have used some clips from that.
Also the footage of Trumps inauguration might just be the single scariest thing I´ve ever seen on the X-Files.
Yeah, that was a bit overdone. I remember them doing the same in series 10 though.
I definitely recognised some scenes from that.
But on the plus side – Scully’s hair’s better.
Yeah and I thought it was a bit much there too.
I…guess so?
I think my best shot at a Mulder Cosplayer is currently not having shaved for a really long while…
Tonight I’ll watch 11x01 and 11x02 episodes.
Starting from tomorrow I will join this discussion topic!
Oh I guess my honest ass is outta here then.
Be careful though – no one’s watched episode 2 yet!
Your what?
He meant that he is changing his underwear.
(Disclaimer: I posted this just to post something in a thread where I can’t comment anything else…)
You heard me!
Most unorthodox!!!
Oops, am I in the wrong changing rooms again?
Doesn´t it feel like that most of the time?
So do you mean you’re leaving so nothing gets spoiled?
Can’t we just agree to whip @ZakPhoenixMcKracken if he puts his foot in something? (Where’s a creepy bondage emoji when you need one)

So do you mean you’re leaving so nothing gets spoiled?
That´s what I was talking about. I could find ways to watch 5 more episodes like right now but I prefer to see it on TV so I guess, I´m wrong here…

Where’s a creepy bondage emoji when you need one
Incredible! Not even a mouthgag!

That´s what I was talking about. I could find ways to watch 5 more episodes like right now but I prefer to see it on TV so I guess, I´m wrong here…
I plan to stick to my thang of not posting extensive reviews until you’ve seen them. As long as @ZakPhoenixMcKracken and anyone else uses spoiler tags you’ll be fine.

I plan to stick to my thang of not posting extensive reviews until you’ve seen them.
Damnit @someone because of your minion picture above I initially read thong and hit my head against the table!