What are you listening to right now?

Start playing your recording as soon as the video reaches 0:04, and it syncs up amazingly well! :star_struck:
(until the last part :joy: )


Funny, I had a similar experience with that exact same song in Smallville whenever it was that I still watched that… I quit by season 3 at the latest, and like a decade later I found out it was still on! :rofl:

Except that was the cover… basically it reminded me of the NIN song which I like much better.

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The advantage of the original is that it´s not as ridiciously overused as the Cash version.

I made a Spotify list over a year ago, called “Rad” (no idea where I got the idea for the name). That’s what I’m listening to right now.


That´s really great! Fits well with my list!

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Now I’m listening to this :notes:

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Literally having this on repeat.

(I think this was also in a wrestling montage on glow).

You got me listening to YouTube’s mediocre sound quality for a few minutes there until an ad scared the shit out of me at 50 times the volume.

I switched to Alice Cooper’s Love it to Death album. Locally, of course. Ergo, Caught in a Dream.

Black Juju already.

It’s good switching keycaps music.

The QWERTY thing happened by accident at first (just on that row) but then I decided to do it last for the contrast.

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Extractor fan vs Gary Moore.

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Still Got The Blows


Who is winning?

Dinner, I hope! :yum:

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Extractor Fan Live.

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He died in a bizarre cooking accident…

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Involving the red hot chili peppers?

At least the most bizarre thing that ever happened to Chad Smith was looking like Will Ferrell.


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If you’re in Detroit, you are required to listen to Aretha right now.

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… Thunder only happens when it’s raining
Players only love you when they’re playing :notes:

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