Really? Maybe it’s because we avoid using it at work (in our charity info) because it’s seen as patronising or ageing (not saying Milan meant it like that, obviously). So it’s on my radar. It does sound old to me too though - I prefer ‘girl’ (oops, that autocorrected as ‘gorilla’ at first). Come to think of it, I don’t massively like ‘woman’ either.
It was just another ordinary day. I was stuck in my office waiting for a customer to show up. Any customer would do, even one of those creeps who want me to keep tabs on their wives. I kept the single window closed that day, the smoke locked inside with me as the rain happily pitter-pattered. A knock on the door coincided with a lightning strike, disturbing my reveries. Enter! I called out. In walked one of the most gorgeous dames I’d ever seen. I played it cool. What do you want, lady?
I’m not 80, you irreverent Gffp. This is your office, isn’t it? Are you a PI or will you continue leering at me like a schoolboy who’s still wet behind the ears? And what kind of name is that, anyway? Are you too lazy to put in any syllables?
You may not look it, lady, but you sound like you’re 80 alright. Quit your yammering and tell me what you want. That shut her up. For a second I thought she was going to walk out, but then she started talking. And quite a story it was…
In the past (until last year, perhaps), people I’ve met for the first time - often on trains - have often thought I’m younger than I actually am. Even, a few times, I’ve had “so which secondary school do you go to?” However, recently I’ve had a few experiences where I’ve been referred to as a “lady”. For example, a mother told her child something like, “could you stand behind the lady in the queue?”. And that felt nice.
It was also a nice feeling when I was talking to someone on a train, and they asked me, “so what do you do for a living?”
I think it was the most extreme cases of people getting my age wrong, and having matured a lot through university, that made me not want to be mistaken for an 18-year-old (in most recent cases)
BTW, 26 seems to be such an odd number too for asking if you’re not older than… Unless it was the train ticket inspector suspecting you to be too old to use a youth ticket.