Your song-of-the-day, based on your current mood

It’s Rush spamming time!

Rush made nice covers of these two songs in their 2004 album Feedback.

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My current mood:

The title of the song is L’Ego.

The author is German, but the lyrics are italian.

For your convenience, here is a very bad translation by Mr. Google:

There are not sufficiently large houses
to be able to contain all these junk
built, transported, bought, resold
I don’t care about
telepromotions of guaranteed deals
windows of fashion designers with signed clothes.

I do not care about commercials
I enjoy listening to my records
I do not care about shopping points
I haven’t been in a church for years

Where all those colored bricks are gone?
how many minds have grown, how many dreams unrealized.
When I was little
whole days I spent building with the Lego
I still did not know what I was going to meet

Now that I’ve become an adult
I can not look at myself in the mirror anymore
I do not care about television
I enjoy building with the Ego.

Tell me what’s wrong
with myself
tell me what is the mechanism that is broken
give me a perfect spare part
so I’ll stop it
I’ll stop thinking, reasoning, trying to understand, the sense of things

I do not care about commercials
I enjoy listening to my records
I do not care about shopping points
I haven’t been in a church for years

EDIT: I tried to slightly improve the translation

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The For What it’s Worth cover is quite nice, actually. I like Rush but not heard that before. Not as haunting, but I like the guitar riff.

Oh yeah, it´s also a great song to play!

Edit: wow that looks a bit wrong.



On your blog that seems to be your song of the day on every day. At first I wasn´t sure how that worked, if that changed regulary but now I´m not sure what this “currently listening to” is all about?

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Oh yeah. I should update that.

It’s a text widget I added. I have to manually update it.

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I still wonder what “no need to argue” is supposed to mean in that context. :thinking:

It was a reference to one of the most famous songs of the Cranberries, and a way to say that I didn’t want to talk about what happened that day.

Looking at the lyrics I kind of see now why you would think that would mean that.

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My song of the day because the day started with me watching this and I finally realized what the title song for TWP reminded me of: Monte Carlo Nights!

In 9 days, we’ll do “Ready Player One” in our cinema. I can’t wait to watch it!
There are so many 80’s great songs in there, that today my song-of-the-day is one of the most powerful ones: JUMP!


Well, there might be some resemblance around the eyes notes, but that’s about it.
They are two completely different songs.

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You know I love the song as the next guy, but I never got over how hilariously unfitting the guitar solo is. It´s like Eddie Van Halen (who plays the keys throughout the song) suddenly went…“wait a minute, what am I doing here? I´m an ace shredder!” -widdly-diddly-wooo- :guitar: :notes:


That solo is a nightmare. We never got it right, we wanted to add Jump to our repertoire, but…

You know what else no one seems to be able to pull off? The Trooper. Always sound wrong with tribute bands.

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What put that in your head? Apart from me and my Skid-Row-philey-ness :wink:

That certainly helped. :slight_smile:

I´m just sitting here and DJing to myself on spotify at the moment, just putting some random songs I feel like listening to in the queue and that fit well in (I played GnR Civil War before that[which watching Captain America Civil War put into my head, they should have used that]).

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