Awwww, you guys remembered
I obviously didn´t because I clearly remember asking you personally AFTER that post.
Well, I forgot that you forgot, so you don’t lose your brownie points. (This time. )
I´m not sure what that is, but I assume it´s something really good!
It’s a great little British phrase, meaning “things that put you in someone’s favour”. Or something like that.
You can also call it “getting in someone’s good books”.
Good ol’ Snake Plissken, sticking to his books.
He knows all those iPads and other shit won’t work soon…
It’s like beer points in HL!

Good ol’ Snake Plissken, sticking to his books.
He knows all those iPads and other shit won’t work soon…
Yeah, like president tracking wristbands.
If only he could tell the annoying orange off :“President of what?”

It’s like beer points in HL!
Those guys remind me of the two Nazis in the 2014 Wolfenstein that leave a scene talking to each other in a thick austrian accent:“Gehma saufen!”

Those guys remind me of the two Nazis in the 2014 Wolfenstein that leave a scene talking to each other in a thick austrian accent:“Gehma saufen!”
Is this the sequel to a 2009 game which happens to be called just Wolfenstein? (aaargghl, my pet peeve!)
Does it play in Austria or was it just meant to sound like generic Nazi-German?
No, it´s called “Wolfenstein: The New Order” and is mostly set in an alternative early 1960s where the Nazis have won the war with the help of super hypertechnological weapons (robot dogs, etc).
Absolutly sharing your pet peeve, endemic with current movie reboots especially!
great job guys!
@ZakPhoenixMcKracken are you taking care of the dubbing selection?

are you taking care of the dubbing selection?
Yes, from 13 months.
Here’s a new “private” trailer @ZakPhoenixMcKracken as Reyes and Alice (not my daughter) as Madame Morena.
Madame Morena is the definitive version. Zak’s quality is good for a first draft, but we’ll most probably do a retake with @Ema’s mic. If I managed to record all Ransome’s line in 5 hours, a weekend in full immersion will suffice
Whoa… You chose the perfect voice for Madame Morena!!
Also tasse means tax apparently!
Edit: tosse means cough!
Hm interesting, many adventure games reference fiscal authorities. DOTT being a more extreme one.
Or this joke in MI1:
English: Guybrush: Do you have a file? Citizen: Financial files on Stan’s Shipyard? Citizen: Personnel files for the Sheriff’s Department? Guybrush: Actually, I meant the raspy metal kind. German: Guybrush: Haben Sie eine Feile? Citizen: Pfeile? Das ist ein Piratenspiel, kein Western. Citizen: Oder meintest du eine Nagel-Feile? Guybrush: Fast, vielleicht eine große stabile, zum Öffnen von Schlössern? translated from German: Guybrush: Do you have a file? Citizen: Arrows? This is a…

Also tasse means tax apparently!
Edit: tosse means cough !
Yes, you guessed right for both the words!

Also tasse means tax apparently!
Edit: tosse means cough !
You hear that, @tasse-tee? I think my chair is “sneezing” again!
As you might already know, there’s a small group of Italian TWP fans that decided to make a fan dub for TWP as soon as they read that the game might be some day open for user voice overs and user translations. In these days we worked a bit to produce a small “trailer”, dubbing sentences from the Ransome Lookalike Contest. Our efforts came to conclusion today, when I could finally bring it all together in video form. So there it is, in all its pixely and Italian-sounding glory: Wi…
So, today is the anniversary of our first video!
We’ve come a LONG way. Recorded and listened to thousands of lines, lots of casting discussions, but we’re almost there.
We’ve definitely raised the bar in terms of quality. We’d surely have already finished, had it remained something “just for fun”, but since the goal became to provide an official in-game dub we kept on improving because this game deserves the best. Well, the best we can afford.